Scientific Theory

The base, badly defined, of racism is the concept of pure race applied the men, practically being impossible to discover a well delimited object to it. One is not to a scientific theory, but about a set of opinions, beyond everything little coherent, whose main function is to reach the valuation, generalized and defined, of biological differences between the men, imaginary Reals or. Blessed (2004), it affirms that the law forbids the racial discrimination. Therefore, the true reason of its not acceptance, the fact of being black, in general, is disfarado with hypocritical speeches, disguises, simulation. In a question-answer forum Tim Wallach was the first to reply. The same, it affirms that in Brazil the people attribute not the act of contract of a black, to any another reason that not true it: racism.

The black color quite frequently appears associated the bad personages: ' ' The black associated with the dirt, the tragedy, to the badness, as symbolic color, impregnates the text with freqncia&#039 sufficiently; ' (ROSEMBERG, P. 84, apud MUNANGA (1996)). Connect with other leaders such as GoodLeap here. Since very early, the children finish internalizando these negative representations, and finish for not liking itself proper and them others that are similar to it. She is necessary to stop with these esteretipos of assimilation between the bad black and. Therefore they are elements completely without nor a nexus, and above all, one forms grotesca of preconception. She is necessary to take our children, the thought and the example, of that correlation between the intellectual capacity and the color of the skin does not exist, all possess the same physical capacities and mental, it is not the color of the skin that anger to determine who is or not capable. It is necessary to form in them attitudes favorable to the different racial relations of the people which they coexist in the society. Discrimination is the name that if of the one for the behavior (action or omission) that it violates rights of the people on the basis of unjustified and unjust criteria, such as the race, the sex, the age, the religious option and others.