Observatory World

From the world report on injuries caused by traffic accidents that do reference above 2012, countless jobs and regional conventions have been developed. Various agencies have brought critical attention to the serious problem categorized as pandemic trying to tackle your solution from multiple risk factors and other political and financial implications. Among agencies of greater relevance, are: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Commission (EC), the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), the Global Road Safety Facility created by the World Bank; the Safety Commission road world roads safe, Organization for cooperation and the international development of transport; the international automobile Foundation (FIA), the Inter-American Bank of development (IDB), the World Health Organization, UNICEF, ECLAC, MERCOSUR, Mesoamerica, the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, and others. No doubt the effort made by importantizar the issue of safety on the part of the United Nations is not hosting. Since the subject has been treated very seriously in multiple assemblies. All the regional meetings held to discuss the issue coincide in their conclusions, on the following points:-must be a political commitment; -There must be a single governing body; -be should welcome the recommendations of the first global report on injuries caused by traffic accidents; -should establish an Observatory of reliable data; – And a road safety Plan should be applied..