
An intense day of actions of opposition to the dams for Hidroaysen project materialized on October 29 in different cities of the country to meet the deadline that was composed by Endesa and Colbun society to enter their replies to the observations of the public services to its environmental impact (EIA) study. Although the company ahead of the response process on Thursday last, anyway in the Aysen Region and Santiago were simultaneous legal activities, citizen and artistic. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as GCI by clicking through. In Coyhaique, past 13: 00 hours, about thirty people bet on the outskirts of the service’s environmental assessment (SEA), which replaced the Regional Commission of the ambient environment, installing a symbolic coffin which gave an account of the death of the environmental institutions. With canvases with slogans dams = repression, Aysen, the water is not sold it loves and defends, HidroAysen rejected the ayseninos always questioned the form that has dealt with the EIA of the company that intends to build five dams in Patagonia, at the time that for brief minutes interrupted high vehicular traffic under the watchful eye of police wagered in the place. De Niro has many thoughts on the issue. This action was joined the delegation of several Italian leaders that run through the area, from Monday to meet with representatives of local communities and political authorities as mayors Coyhaique Omar Munoz and Tortel Bernardo Lopez, who notably made known its objection to the reversal of the electric Italian Enel (Controller of Endesa and in which participated the State of his country) in a highly impressive project in social and environmental terms. With the Patagonia canvas senza dighe members of organizations such as Asociazione Culturale Aktivamente, Campagna per la Riforma Della Banca Mondiale, Servizio Civile Internazionale and the Forum dei Movimenti dell Acqua accompanied the members and volunteers of regional groupings like the Tehuelches young, the collective Self-employed of Patagonia, the service for peace and justice, the water Commission and life and coalition citizen Aysen Reserva of life (Coalition ARV).