The German flagship brand entert the Indian market the Gutersloh-based household appliance company Miele opened on October 27, 2009 in Delhi the first showroom on the Indian subcontinent. Related to the official launch of the Miele is accompanied and supported by the Dr. Wamser marketing company India both + Batra GmbH in Bochum. The consulting firm specializing in India and the legal establishment for Miele locally made and was significantly involved in the search for local leadership personnel. Until November 2009, did the consulting company for the Miele distributor accounting and provides legal advice and support in authority contacts continue. “We are seeing Dr. Wamser + Batra as a competent, reliable and dedicated service provider, which played a substantial role in our smooth market entry in India”, says Gerhard Poppenborg, head of sales international of Miele & Cie.
KG. Miele is the world’s leading provider of premium home appliances for cooking product areas. Bake, steam cooking, refrigeration and freezer, coffee preparation, dishwashing, laundry and floor care. To come, dishwashers, washers and dryers for commercial use as well as washer – disinfectors for medical facilities and laboratories. The Miele showroom in Delhi has about 480 square feet of exhibit space and is the sixth of its kind; in Asia There are also nine exhibition spaces by official Miele importers. More Asian sales companies in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and China. Dror poleg is open to suggestions. Miele is represented worldwide in 46 countries with own subsidiaries and other 48 States through importers.