In order to better meet the needs of visitors, the BIENNALE has DE LYON extended their opening hours for 2011. In addition to the daily opening hours Monday Friday (11:00 to 18:00) the exhibition halls are open from 11:00 to 19:00 every first Friday of the month until 21:00 h. and on the weekend (Saturday & Sunday). During the illumination (Fete of des Lumieres), there are extended hours: Thursday 8 and Friday 9 December 2011:10:00 to 18:00 press release no. 73/11 Luxembourg, July 14, 2011 opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-27/09 P France / people’s Mojahedin organisation of Iran General Sharpston delivered the Court suggests the French appeal against the judgment of the Court, with which the PMOI was removed from the EU list of terrorist, must be rejected.
It suggests that to improve the procedure in some points, to strike a reasonable balance between to ensure the need for combating terrorism and the respect of for fundamental rights. In December 2008, the Court of first instance explained (now Court) a decision of the Council annulled, with the the people’s Mojahedin organisation of Iran was included in the European list of terrorist organisations, which funds and other assets should be frozen (1). Thus, this Court for the third time has declared this decision null and void. The previous rulings that had declared the Court annulled (2), were based on the existence of a decision of the United Kingdom, with the PMOI was banned, because the existence of such a decision a responsible authority at national level is a prerequisite for the inclusion of an organization in the EU list. “The PMOI was however on June 24, 2008, after the decision of a national court in November 2007, with the inclusion in the list as absurd” and inappropriate “was been referred from the list in the United Kingdom of banned organizations deleted.