Syrian Coordination Committee

Arab spring? For all? It’s still winter? Or is it an eternal autumn? Some Middle Eastern societies strive not only to freedom, but also to more change, tolerance and humanity. This change and the necessary social enlightenment contributing among other things to a cultural development, some values such as human dignity, respect for which emphasizes human rights, justice, peace and tolerance. In this essay I turn to the question, to what extent the political and social upheavals in the Arab-speaking world and in particular in Syria bring tolerance and humanity and what prospects have the mentioned values in the wake of this upheaval. The output of this breaks for the respective peoples differs, and the results of these processes will be certainly different. While in the Gulf countries economic crises and unemployment were no backgrounds for political upheaval, but the injustice and the middle ages were more similar forms of Government, yet some things featuring. The demographic development, the hopelessness of the youth, the human rights situation, undemocratic and oppressive governance of the rulers who still want to be worshipped and last but not least, the corruption in the economy and the State apparatus. In the case of Syria, still not able to accept the cultural, political and ideological diversity, I believe the political organizations, and must learn to cope.

The attack by sympathizers of the opposition Syrian National Council/SNC on officials of the Syrian Coordination Committee of the forces of democratic change/NCS before the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo, would damage the SNC and the Syrian opposition in General. Because this Act between loyalty and reject the other or of the dissenters connects, dented the SNC. This attack would hit the entire Syrian opposition, because it shows how divided and disunited. There is a non-violent policy, through a practice of peaceful coexistence, dialogue and Partnership for a better society is confirmed.

12 Earthquake Orphans

Quick action for the future of children in Cap Haitien Haiti / Port-au-Prince / Zurich, March 10, 2010 – January 12, 2010 is a completely different life from Markenson Augustin ( On the evening of that day, the devastating earthquake destroyed his hometown of Port-au-Prince. It ripped his parents to death. It took him his childlike serenity – Markenson Augustin is nine years old. Eight weeks ago, normality has left seemingly forever the life of the child. For more information see this site: Nextar Media Group. Markenson lives rain Group Foundation of black in the North of Haiti – in the new orphanage and normality returns slowly. Together with Markenson, 14 more half – and orphans have found rain group orphanage in Cap Haitien a home in the newly opened black.

Twelve of the 15 children come from the earthquake zone around Port-au-Prince. To give children the opportunity to come to rest and to get used to her new life, a child-friendly everyday is designed by the staff of the orphan’s home. \”Together with the children play, paint, or sing We\”, tells Jaquesson Mexil, the project manager on the spot. \”You do a cheerful impression. You laugh a lot.\” With the realization of the orphanage, the black rain Group had already begun before the dramatic earthquake. Since the end of February, it is inhabited already – by children who have found a home in it up to their age.

In his care, regular, healthy food, good hygienic conditions, medical care, educational assistance, clothing and education are ensured. The Foundation relies on the cooperation with local partners on the ground and was quickly able to make the first reference-capable rooms for earthquake orphans. \”Projects such as our new orphanage only in cooperation with locals can be implemented in Haiti effectively and quickly. Our helpers know dealing with the authorities, they find the means to the end spot just faster.

Capitalism Cybernetics

Why is Malawi (Africa) and Germany (Europe) rich? Economics (Economics) works essentially very simple, some interested mind might think: supply and demand cause pleasure and frustration (emotions), they cause money to wealth or poverty, lack and abundance, combined with the measure, but there was still something, right: profit + loss (balance sheet)? World – (macro), Economics (meso) and operational (micro) are economy (Economics) in their complexity already not so easy to understand. I’m trying a comprehensive description, including criticism of capitalism in 2 articles. The human reason properties lead to a slightly selfish community: behavior: homo eciprocams. (There is no homo oeconomics!). Impossible desires be compensated by neuroses (substitute satisfaction). The human being is individual and social services (part and whole). He wins something in a macro – and micro-economic process so he must be someone it due to the aforementioned condition other off – take (loss)! The richness of the world’s 20% is therefore based on poverty by 80% of humanity! The most important world or economics economic (WW, VW) is part of the individual and Transpersonal usual lack or abundance. Thus, supply and demand are balanced.

Children know: we earn money (wage) work and can save something for the future gunstigenfalls (capital, return on investment): revenue and expenditures, work-life balance. When not working, we are supplied by the State (allowance) and need to do nothing. But how does business? According to F. v. Hayek economy works (source:, selection, author): voluntary saving capital decreases private demand for consumer goods. Decreases the relative price of consumer goods.

The rate of capital formation rises, reducing the cash rate. The capital costs, the investment in richer means of production goods is more rewarding. As long as this is based on voluntary savings, the economy seeks a Balance against. The money interest rate below the natural rate of interest falls due to credit expansion ?, increase investment in means of production streamline, automate – fired.

The President Pointed Out

Threatening to undermine car echo "Nevsky Express", having escaped from the deep forests of northwestern Russia, loudly marched through the bureaucratic corridors. Someone saw him with a knowing, cynical smile of triumph and squared his shoulders. Someone hung his head, like a man deceived in their expectations for a better and bows before the triumphant victory of another evil. And very soon, crimson glow of the flash of the explosion under the rails and the thunderous peal must roll up Caucasus and zabushevat in our area with multiple amplification. Very much time a bomb explosion this. Just at that moment at the top of the pyramid of the Russian authorities understand that continuation of current policies on North Caucasus, with the apparent inevitability leads to the bloody disintegration of the country. At that moment, when came the words of the monstrous corruption, cronyism plantation in the Caucasus, and it became clear that if there is built in recent years, the "vertical of power", the Kremlin's carefully cherished inhabitants of heaven are to this day remain in place, corruption and cronyism in the Caucasus – a direct consequence of what is happening at the top. When in the open, Encouraged, even shaky, but indicated in speeches and Medvedev the Russian public hope for change, there is talk that the fish begins to rot from the head. When several attempts to solve the problems of the President Caucasian purely hardware techniques broken to pieces due to reluctance of the same device to change the status quo, guaranteeing them a very strong, with complete impunity and enriching opportunity to decide their questions stay in power indefinitely.

Super Election Year 2011

Political changes probably since its inception in the fall of 2009 a quick end predicted repeatedly Black Yellow Government so far wrong. While the coalition has been criticized often, but especially the young in 2011 is likely to become a major challenge for the Government parties. The news portal explains the background. Shall be the year 2011 as the year of the Super choice, because a new Parliament is elected in seven provinces. Hamburg made the pioneer at the weekend and the SPD reached an absolute majority. The final election results are still open and background analyses reveal to the Hamburg Landtag election already one: politically a lot will change is expected not only in the provinces, where is selected, but probably also at the federal level. The start was in the new year for Chancellor Merkel and the Black-Yellow Coalition anything but cheap. So the dioxin scandal, was the one in which have wanted many consumers a determined Minister of agriculture had a stress test dar.

On the other hand, the Defense Minister, inter alia through various incidents in the German army is put on the defensive. To come up with the SPD on the Hartz-IV reform internal disputes with Finance Minister Schauble and seemingly endless wrangling. This year, the Government is so far no better image than in the past. The permanent election campaign will ensure the year 2011 certainly that the smallest political mistakes are even stronger than otherwise punished. In this respect, it remains to be seen how the Government will get through the Super election year. More information: policy /… GmbH Lisa Neumann

No Wild Animal Ban In The Circus!

In the future: animal circus in Germany and Luxembourg Berlin/Luxembourg. The Group Bundnis90 / Die Grunen with its application for a ban on wild animal for circus in the Committee on agriculture, nutrition, and consumer protection of the German Bundestag had no success. Heather Bresch is likely to increase your knowledge. With the votes of the coalition parties, the application was rejected on March 23. The circus friends e. V. society welcomes this decision which ensures that in the future the circus can bring animals of all kinds us and our children. And the decision per wild animal circus is also the opinion of the population: 85,5% of the Germans (men and women from a 14 J.) like to see animals in the circus! This resulted in a representative, comprehensive study of the prestigious GRP 2008 front-runner in predators, elephants and horses that like to see roughly two-thirds of all respondents in the circus are market research from Nuremberg in September.

The rejection of the positions of so-called animal rights activists is high. Not less than 76.4% of respondents believe animals in the Circus: Okay, if all requirements are met”. The CDU/CSU Group also clarified that a wildlife ban requested such as by the Greens would be a profession for the affected animal teacher. The society of circus enthusiasts e. V. pointed several times on this fact and also to the judgment of the Verwaltungsgericht Chemnitz, which picked up a communal wildlife ban -. For years, the circus friends e. V.

tried the society to lead the discussion of wild animal husbandry in the Circus on a factual level. And there are a lot of arguments that speak for a (wild) animal husbandry in the Circus: Germany is a pioneer in terms of animal protection in the circus. Already in 1990, the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and forestry (BMELV) by a panel of experts had guidelines for attitude, training and use of animals in circus companies and similar institutions”work, which are regularly revised a renewed revision also now back currently is imminent.

Constitutional Complaint Against Illegal Staatskirchentum

Information to the BRD principle “There is no State Church” Germany speaks to unlawful and void the claim on the term “Catholic Church” the Club of the so-called “Second Vatican Council”. Now, constitutional complaint has been lodged against this scandal. “(1) there is no State Church. (2) the freedom of Association for religious societies is guaranteed. The coalition of religious societies within the Empire area is unrestricted. (3) any religious society arranges and manages their affairs independently within the limits of the for all applicable law.

It also gives their offices without the participation of the State or the civil community.” Thus, article 137 of the Weimar Constitution (WRV) v. 11.08.1919, which is part of the FRG basic law according to article 140 GG begins. May 29, 2010 the Bundestag as well as all provincial assemblies of the Federal Republic of Germany have unanimously declared now, that article 137 PULPS in Germany in fact has no validity. Was preceded by a petition – with deadline may 29, 2010 – the Verf., that the Group of the so-called “Second Vatican Council” (V2) no longer erroneously as “Catholic Church” is issued. Reason: Germany consistently claims that the Group of the so-called “Second Vatican Council” (V2) is the Catholic Church. This variety of areas affects, for example, in the so-called “Catholic religious education”, in “Church tax”, and so on so forth proven is but the V2 group not the Catholic Church, because it has not the essentials, this church com. infallible teachings are peculiar: una sancta, catholica, apostolica (agree, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic).

This fact of Sede Vacante has been presented in numerous irrefutable studies by so-called “Sedisvakantisten”. Admittedly, German anti religious activity is not new: Emperor Ludwig IV for example. the Bayer (1281-1347) certain the antipope “Nikolaus V.” (Pietro Rainalducci / Peter of Corbara; Malachias-Weissagungen: “device schismaticus”); Rainalducci resided in Rome, the legitimate Pope John XXII.

European Union

Succeeds our Government but again and again, just about these facts majority over wag and ausser eight to leave, that is to the detriment of our people. She should resign and allow their place for a more representative. Your giving Juncker and Sarkozy will come to us and our children are still expensive. The commentator of the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant”(Amsterdam) called: not Papandreou, but Angela Merkel should resign. And also the the daily mail”commented in London: when will the Empress of Europe and her French poodle learn at last? This asks the columnist Simon Heffer. He describes as leaders, as a new Soviet”the couple Sarkozy/Merkel. The fraud charges against the German President Christian Wulff expressed by you in the Office, as well as the dispute in the Coalition to take its course in the euro crisis heavy burden on Merkel. She must also fear that the Member’s decision brings their coalition in the spin of the FDP. Swarmed by offers, Walt Disney is currently assessing future choices.

If the quorum is reached and voted a majority against the ESM, black yellow will be down the drain. Merkel was also in the nuclear policy as Guttenberg: it created a scientific structure of lies. Merkel knew as studied physics (physical research has very well done), that a meltdown would be uninhabitable Fukushima a la all over Germany. Can a Chancellor with our lives play? Europe must get a new Constitution, with the citizens at their head. It is not just the euro, which is at stake. If this currency fails, the European Union will fail with its 27 Member States, and this means a creeping expropriation of in Central Europe. There’s no collateral for new loans, only empty promises on economic growth and a weary smile of our Chancellor. With the introduction of the euro, halved the purchasing power of wages and prices exploded.

Also, it was easier to make new debt for the EU countries, because Germany’s membership in the EU significantly discounted their interest burden for new State loans. And also our head spread her hands. The same hand gesture by Angela Merkel has received several names. For some time, conspiracy theorists now discuss whether the gesture is an occult gesture. Press Photo: CC by Calvert photos photos/pimkie_fotos/2961678106/in/photostream company information: Jutta Schutz (writer/author, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge. Learn more

Black And Yellow

SME Burokratieabbauund control changes Dusseldorf continues to call, October 19, 2009 – the hope dies last known. This is true more than ever in times of crisis. And the new Federal Government raises new hopes and expectations, wishes and demands of industry. After the end of the Grand Coalition is now black and yellow on the train. According to the Federal Association of German Volks – and Raiffeisenbanken (BVR), for example, Union and FDP must strengthen strongly the principle of Gametypes and following pages. Also, the Government should review the work incentives resulting from the tax and levy system. The new Government must resume the thread of the Agenda 2010 and strengthen the forces for growth through structural reforms. The policy has a duty to present quickly proposals”, says BVR President Uwe Frohlich.

Top theme for the middle class remains the reduction of bureaucracy. According to an economic survey of the Federal Association SMEs (BVMW) in North Rhine-Westphalia is Reduction of bureaucracy for the future of the companies more importantly considered tax cuts: 339 of 477 management spoke for fewer laws and regulations. 288 of the respondents called for tax cuts. Multiple answers were possible. 245 sized demanded a better banking regulation”, the Rheinische post reported.

“After all,: about two-thirds of the German middle class hoped-for before the election of a black yellow Government Alliance more SME-friendly policies”, says BVMW President Mario Ohoven, who sees urgent need for action in terms of inheritance tax law and at the corporate tax reform. “More net of the gross, it must apply also for the workers”, so its more demand. So performance is worth again, private consumption withering away for years is going to swing. To bring this permanent tax cut with the consolidation of public finances and the empty coffers of the social security system in line looks like almost a squaring of the circle. Impossible but this is not. The Silver bullet means growth.” So get even one percent growth in gross domestic product the future Treasury Secretary seven billion more tax revenues. This should be eliminated but also barriers in the labour market and allows for additional hiring. Ohovens tags are, among other things, reducing employment protection at EU level and allow for more business alliances. With more flexibility in tariff policy, employers and workers had already good experiences in recent years. This policy applies to continue it now.” Slowly recognizable economic lightening on the horizon again took the export sector Meanwhile, courage. Many observers assume that in the course of economic recovery export sales figures will again reach the level before the financial crisis. Economic standard models largely based this optimism. Olivier Godart, Holger Gorg and Dennis Gorlich, expert of the Kiel Institute for the world economy (IfW), warn the new Kiel policy letter Back to normal? “The future of global production networks after the crisis” but against too much optimism. Because the global production networks, on which the success of exporters are based, are drawn by the financial and economic crisis affected. Also, companies that once left the export markets, only at considerable cost recover access to the global production networks. The export sector is considered long-term and sustainable by the financial crisis affected, economic standard models suggest it.