The Christian worldview is deprecated, it is native to a region of barren, mostly belligerent and is largely based on the worldview of peoples. As an atheist, I recommend the complete phase-out of the Christianity. The Christian worldview is deprecated, it is native to a region of barren, mostly belligerent and is largely based on the worldview of peoples. Scientific thinking and a scientific worldview were the Roman Catholic Church, in particular by their popes, until the modern era not accepted by and sacrificed the Catholic worldview, just think of Galileo or Darwin. In my opinion the Roman Catholic Popes have suppressed prefer the highly interesting scientific findings so as to frighten the people continue with their world image of hell and hell. In Germany, about 33% of the people are members of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the majority of traditional reasons. They were already Catholic made when they were infants.
A high percentage of the “Believers” has hardly an inner relation to the Roman Catholic faith. There is usually an event to be aware of such a situation and to draw the consequences. At the time, the Roman Catholic Church is shaken by several scandals. In Germany, their Bishop Mixa provoked sharp criticism by his behavior for weeks in the media and holds next criticism by his behavior in cooking. So it helps that people deal with their acquired faith and often develop a distant relationship.
There is a kind of enlightenment, the people will realize that much is wrong in the system. The result is an output shaft without same. Will benefit society in my opinion by the behavior of the Bishop, because he allows an unvarnished look behind the facade of the beautiful appearance. Thus, he is significantly involved in the negative image of the Roman Catholic Church. Joachim Dafe, Regensburg