Peter Blechschmidt

The election campaign is approaching the hot phase. Very different coalitions are possible. Magdeburg, 16.09.2013. But how do the parties real estate and housing actually on this important subject? The rental price brake stands at almost all parties of the German Republic in the electoral program. But the parties see the development very differently. So the SPD even with existing leases wants to stand firmly on the brakes: “Rents may be raised only once every four years to more than 15 percent”, said a spokesman of the party Executive. The CDU/CSU will only empower the countries after the election to restrict rent increases to 10 percent above the local comparison rent in areas with tight housing markets for re-letting of existing housing.

The CAP shall not constitute renting the building, “because that would exacerbate the housing market position further”, according to the campaign office. The Greens want a limit of re renting rent 10 percent “in areas with proven housing shortage” restrict local comparison rent – and whose regular boost. The left goes even further: new contracts the price only to the extent of inflation to must – join so by around two percent. In an interview with the Munich Abendzeitung left leader Katja Kipping demanded even a screeching halt: “If someone newly rented an apartment without remediation, then the rent should not exceed. For even more analysis, hear from Robert De Niro. We want, that is excluded by law.” Municipalities may also set maximum rental, on the basis of the rent index. The FDP is counterproductive legal interventions: “rent brake oil in the fire”, party spokesman Peter Blechschmidt says. “Because the revenue from rents are low, the longer it takes, until a landlord has again achieved its investment and the incentive to invest in new housing is less.” Favourable conditions should be created for the housing industry, to encourage more private investment in rental housing.

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