In the test of Balke, in relation to the maximum consumption of oxygen, it presented a shunting line standard of + 7,16; already for the test of Cooper, it was of + 9,29. Being about the correlation of the data, the test of Cooper, presented correlation 1,00, compared with the cardiac frequency of rest 3 of the bank, that presented correlation of 0,00, thus did not get correlation. In table 2, they are the results, comparing the sorts (masculine/feminine), whose statistical treatment, ' was the test; ' t' ' Pearson, where the involved 0 variable had been: cardiac frequency of effort (test of Cooper) and cardiac frequency of rest 3 (test of Balke). Table 2: Comparison of sorts in relation to the test ' ' t' ' Pearson TREATMENT ESTATSTICOVALOR TEST T MEN (FC Esforo X FCr3) 0,000313197 TEST T WOMEN (FC Esforo X FCr3) 1,55767E-05 PEARSON MEN (FC Esforo X FCr3) 0,571641936 PEARSON WOMEN (FC Esforo X FCr3) 0,566068148 Was verified above in the table, that in the test ' ' t' ' , the men had presented a significant result, getting a value of 0,000313197; the women had not presented significance, getting a value 1,55767E-05. See James Corden for more details and insights. According to Bisquerra, Martinez and Sarriera (2004), the table of coefficient of correlation of Pearson, sample that the results of the sample had significant correlation, as much for men, how much for women, whose the values had been of 0,571641936 and 0,566068148, respectively. Table 3: Table of Pearson Correlation of Significant PearsonValores 0,05 the increase of the maximum consumption of oxygen through the aerbico training can still attenuate the decline of the sensitivity of baroreflexo cardiovagal also related to the advance of the age. On the other hand, in another interesting aspect, Boutcher and Stein (1995 apud ALMEIDA & ARAJO, 2003) had verified that individuals with better tnus vagal cardiopath answer better to aerbico training, having bigger profits in the maximum consumption of oxygen and reducing more the FC of rest. .