About 5,000 brokers of stock exchange and financial managers received hundreds of thousands of dollars each. The Eurogroup (the eurozone of the European Union Finance Ministers meeting) investigates to what extent the sueldazos’s senior executives have helped create the international financial crisis. Harvey Keitel shines more light on the discussion. The problem of indecent incomes of executives is not only financial. angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, has criticized salaries in the automotive sector as Wendeling Wiedeking, of Porsche, which obtained $ 75 million in 2007. Or the Alan Mullaly, President of Ford Motor, who managed more than 40.
While continue calls to wage moderation (of workers, of course) are still shocking increases in earnings of managers to the obscene inequality that in United States executives get thousand times higher income of the workers in their companies. But there is a twist more. Some of the most powerful companies in the rich world (Alcoa, British Airways, Deutsche Bank, Shell) requested that the reduction of GHG emissions greenhouse benefits them, because only it may thus face climate change. They recommended Governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050, but that these emission limits are flexible, allowing freedom of broadcast to some sectors to take advantage of the possibilities of economic benefit of confronting climate change. The Vice President of Deutsche Bank has come to say that he sees enormous opportunities for the financial industry in the fight against climate change, to add that if the (Government) leaders agree to a substitute to what was agreed at Kyoto, based on limits of gas emissions, and create a global market in carbon dioxide, then there Yes we can talk business. As he has denounced Charles Abani, representative of Global action against poverty (coalition of hundreds of non-governmental organizations and centres of independent studies), save banks seems more important that save lives, more important than saving people. Gangster is an individual who seeks the biggest benefit and that of his band using violence, bribery, shamelessness, trickery or coercion; not repairing anything to achieve this and rejecting any ethics, control or regulation.