Young people are taught leadership, leadership conveys to the Universal Declaration of human rights to disseminate and to create a society of lebensfaehigere are young people, to disseminate the Universal Declaration of human rights and establishing a parent lebensfaehigere society at the eighth Summit of youth for human rights in Geneva, representatives of the United Nations and representatives and leaders of human rights organizations and social sectors met. The theme of this year’s meeting dealt with the creation of leadership through human rights education”. Laura Kochsiek, Commissioner for “Youth for human rights” in Germany, was this year also among the representatives to meet, who stand up for human rights. She met at this year’s International Youth Summit, which took place from 25-28 August 2011 found with other young delegates from 30 countries and five continents, the for the On the subject of human rights involved reconnaissance work. According to estimates of the United Nations, the proceeds of illegal trafficking in human beings is about $7 billion annually. Be between 700,000 and 4 million women and children are sold each year, to as forced prostitutes, workers – or otherwise – exploited to be.
Human rights education is now therefore more urgent than ever. The theme of this year’s Summit was “creating leadership through human rights education”. A day was devoted to youth in leadership, communication, and audiovisual training alone. Thus is helping them, how they can make their efforts more effectively. About 250 participants filled on August 26″the Hall of the Hotel President Wilson. The area, in the ten years ago for the international institution of youth for human rights international”(YHRI) all started. The event began with a demonstration of youthful delegate. They presented their respective 30 flags Countries. Host Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, founder and President of youth for human rights international”(YHRI), welcomed the young people and guests of honour.