New network platform for Africa goes online Hamburg, July 2008 the Afrika-Verein of German economy presents Africa business contact (ABC) network portal for Africa as new Web 2.0. The business community in the Internet under is free and intended for all entrepreneurs who are interested in the African market. Central Africa business contact is communicating Africa-related business contacts and thus promoting the german African economic relations. Mayo clinic insists that this is the case. A functioning network of contacts is an indispensable prerequisite for the success of any business. Robert A. Iger is likely to agree. The Africa Club of the German economy has stated this fact to the Maxime and is specialized in the teaching of Africa-related economic relations for over 75 years. With the introduction of the Africa business contact network portal, the traditional foreign trade association now makes an important step in the direction of Web 2.0 and provides a forward-looking contribution to the promotion of german African economic relations. Professional contact management Africa Africa business contact is a Web-based business community exclusively for the African countries and markets. The portal comparable by its basic features with other social networks like Facebook, XING and StudiVZ is international and is aimed at all Internet users with economic interests on the African continent.
The Afrika-Verein of German industry thus creating a target group-oriented business platform that facilitates the networking of its members and allows a modern contact management regardless of time and place. Free membership upgrade option the Africa business contact membership is free and can be completed at any time through a one-time registration on. There is also the possibility to undertake an upgrade and purchase a paid premium membership for the term of 1, 6 or 12 months for each user. Hereby, the user receives access to special premium features such as the advanced search or inspection of the contacts 2. degree. Simple networking by versatile functionality of Africa business contact has a variety of useful functions: each user has the option, a personal profile with photo, business interests, to store contact details etc.